Work work work

It feels like it's been a decade since I last made a post here.

It has not, of course, but just the nature of the beast that is time, has made the days and hours drag on into endless streams of murk.

Work stuff #

At work we have been going through a new purchasing and procurement process. Oh my ever loving flying spaghetti about making the days flipping drag on. The problem with this is that many weeks ago we had let them know that we were going to need to renew a cloud based service license that we've been using since before I started there, about five years ago.

Our contract expires on the ninth of this month. We've had a quite from them since before the start of this month, say late September. This was sent to procurement.

Who it seems have sat on it, as is their way. They did, eventually, let us know that "Hey, can we get you guys to fill out this form?" Oh FFS. Sure, I'll fill the form out.

Couple of days later, "Hey, we need some clarification on such and such."

Oh. Em. Gee.

If we lose access to this freaking tool because they took their sweet arse time, I'm gonna hurl.

More work stuff #

In other work related fun and excitement, I've got a brand spanking new work laptop to get set up.

I think this is my least favorite activity to do in the whole entirety of existence.

I feel that I should be working on getting it set up now, but it's a Saturday and I don't work on weekends. I love my job, but not that much.

Besides it's about time to get dinner ready.

Non work stuff #

Do I have any non work related stuff to share today?

Oh, I managed to get into the dentist office not once, but twice this week! You should be sooo jealous and envious of me now.

I've got some other projects in the making, I think, one of which will be a new smaller NAS using a Zima Blade server. I've got the setup I just need to get the storage now.

I'll be rooting for the Kansas City Royals, too. They've already had a successful season, but it would be amazing to see them win another series and move on.

All right, until we meet again.

This is post 44/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.

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