Just Some Place

📃 What have I been doing

What have I been doing lately?

Not much, I would say.

I did start a new book recently, What Moves the Dead by T Kingfisher.

It's a retelling of Poe's Fall of the House of Usher. I'm only a few chapters in, and it's fairly short, but so far it's pretty good.

I'm still also reading The Expanse series as well, plus I've picked up a decent number of other titles that will get added to the to be read pile.

I think I'm preparing for the times when physical books are not as easily accessible, what with the way things are going. Both societally and politically.


I've also ordered a couple of 12TB hard drives to pair with my Zima Board NAS kit and am certainly looking forward to getting that set up to store my media on. The stack of Blu-ray movies and DVDs in our library are in desperate need of being ripped.

Can't say that I'm looking forward to that process, but it's needed.

Another item that has had me occupied over the last couple of weeks or so is coming up with a new emacs config.

While I have been using Doom Emacs for quite awhile at this point, I do like to know how things work a bit better, and this is a good way to grasp that understanding.

The sad thing is, that I'm afraid I will basically just wind up reimplementing Soon Emacs, only with elpaca.

There are a lot of good things with Doom, however, so I may just stick it out with that. There are also some quirkiness' as well - such as needing both package! along with use-package! to get something both installed and configured. It does make sense, seeing as use-package! is not a package installer though.

Sunday Linkdump

With that, I believe we'll call it a week.

Until next time.

This is post 52/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.