What a month

Whoa, it has been a week this day. I'm glad that it's almost over. Not only is this day, erm week, almost over, but so is the month. Which also brings us to the end of the Weblog Publishing Month challenge.

And I do believe that I accomplished the challenge.

So what made today a challenge? Largely that we will most like have to have the wheel replaced on our vehicle. Naturally, the vehicle has the premium package so yeah, won't be cheap. Somebody hit a road divider turning into a parking lot and bent the inside of the wheel, popping the bead on the tire. So, not looking forward to that damage.

Another item, which was actually positive, is that the Uber sectional super rearrangeable couch that we purchased showed up (mostly) today. Like, a week early. So we weren't prepared. But, it worked out because more people were home to help get things sorted out!

Overall, I have to say that it's been a great month. I had hoped to do something different, but I think writing about my life worked out. I think that I should be able to continue this.

Thank you for those that are reading.

Wanna read my other #weblogpomo2024 posts?

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