Just Some Place

📃 Updates of life and systems

I suppose this is the first milestone that I've reached for the 100 Days To Offload challenge - post number 25!

As those who have read many of my previous posts (and, thank you for that!) you may know that I have struggled of late with some aspects of my keto lifestyle. Not so much the keto part, per se, so much as the amount of calories that I haven't been logging and keeping account of.

In other words, snacking.

I was standing in the kitchen earlier today, having toasted a slice of "keto friendly" bread (the heel, if you're curious), buttered and cinnamon "sugar" topped....and stared at it.

I took a bit of a pause at that moment: did I really want to eat this? I've gone from thinking that I could easily do a 24 hour fast (perhaps even going longer for more frequent timing), to this undesirable feeling that I've got to snack.

It's not even that I feel hungry.

I used to eat out of boredom, maybe that's what I'm going back to? I need to get back in the game, my head is just a bit on the spacey side.

I need to be able to look in the mirror again and be proud of what I've accomplished.

It's a strange feeling.

In the world of work

I was able to get one new task taken care of earlier today. While nothing earth shattering, it was an important item that needs to be done and it makes me a little more useful - not a bad thing.

Now, I'm getting to work late/after "normal" hours to essentially babysit another application upgrade.

Not that I mind, it should be uneventful. But you never know.

The main fun with this type of work is that you get to do it while everybody else in the house is home and I'm downstairs in the "dining room".

At least all I should have to do is monitor some CPU cycles then re-enable some schedules.

....and that went off without a hitch.

Until next time, we shall leave it at that.

This is post 25/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.