📃 Turkey Day It Is
Today is turkey day here in the States.
Whatever that means.
Many people, families, whatever, will gather for some kind of meal - stuffing their bellies overfull of food and arguing about who the heck knows what.
Many people will profess their "thankfulness" for things and ideas that they hold dear to their hearts.
I'll not deny that I and mine are also participants in some way. We've got the turkey in the oven. The pumpkin and pecan pies have been made. The corn flavored bread has been made. Other stuff will also be made.
We'll have perhaps one or two other people here in our home, though there will be no talk of politics or other high blood pressure inducing subjects. We shall just enjoy our food and company.
There would have been a time, many long years ago, that we would be planning out what to do tomorrow. What stores we would hit, where we would attempt to stake our claim on the commercial purchases for the upcoming gift giving season.
While I have no doubt that some people will be doing that - we are not. I would think that, in general, with stores and companies having expanded their "Black Friday" sales from a single day to a week (or more) that many people would be closer to done with shopping than not.
I know that we won't be going shopping tomorrow. I'll say that I'm mostly sure we are done for this year - with perhaps the exception of one or two things.
I'd say that we didn't overspend this year, but that would be a lie. The same as every other year, sigh. We try to do one nice gift for each kiddo....with five kiddos that gets a little spendy. So we try to do what we can throughout the year.
I don't normally do the whole "I'm thankful spiel", but I am thankful that I've got a roof over my head that I was able to get a mortgage for and that I've got a decent vehicle and a job that I really enjoy.
I don't doubt that I'm definitely privileged to be in the position that I'm in.
So, for those of you out there who read this, and for those of you who celebrate - enjoy the day.
Take it easy. Until next time.
This is post 55/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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