The Steam Deck Age

Just because the May challenge is over doesn't mean that I can't still try to keep some writing going.

As I had stated earlier, I've had the opportunity to move my workspace into a downstairs location, and I think I kind of like how things are situated now. It's a good feeling to have a nice clean start, without quite so much clutter. I had even brought another box down, but said to myself: "Self, do I really need to bring all this crap down here? No. No I do not." At which point, I promptly packed that box back and trotted it right back upstairs.

Probably one of the nicest bonuses to having this setup down here is that I can dock my SteamDeck and play it without feeling too guilty about not being around the family. I don't get a whole lot of time to game these days, so I haven't really been able to take advantage of having my Deck. Now, maybe that can change.

Cropped image of my work area, with the Steamdeck docked.

All right, with that I think it's getting to be about time to get some dinner prepped. It's spaghetti squash with homemade alfredo night, with a side of asparagus.

Have a good night all!

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Newer: Yeah I am a sucker
Older: What a month
