The newish environment

The first half of my day has gone pretty well so far, considering the work area move so I can keep an eye on the grand. Well, it does make it easier to keep an eye on her, but that was of course not the full reason for the move. We still hope to have the extra room usable for the eldest soon.

I do admit that it's nice to have a cleaner desk to work with. I still need to bring my side table and printer down, as well as get my Openmedia Vault box set back up. I miss my qemu box.

Thus far today, I've managed to stay firm in my determination to keep junk food out of my face. So that's a solid win. Not feeling any hunger, which is to be expected with my experience.

This month is nearing its end, but I think I'm going to continue to attempt to get something down every day. It's been easier than I expected, and I keep basically doing this for myself and none other.

Wanna read my other #weblogpomo2024 posts?

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Newer: What a month
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