📃 The day unplanned
Well, today certainly did not go anywhere near how I had planned it to go.
Though there is a proverbial silver lining, I hope, since something that I'm hoping was the problem has been solved.
You'll see.
Went to the store yesterday, only picked up one gallon of milk. Now, normally this wouldn't be a huge issue, but this family of mine can easily go through a gallon of milk with no problem. Should have bought two.
I'd also intended, or had expressed that I'd damn near come close, to picking up another bookcase for the bedroom. To store books on. And other crap that I have piled around the room.
So, plans were then laid out that I would go back to the store today, get those items and a few other incidentals that are darn near always needed: eggs, cheese, what have you.
I drop a couple of the boys off with their friends and head to the store around noon. Do my shopping, pay, load up the car.
Get into the car, press the starter...
And....it throws an error that it has been throwing either earlier this year or last year. Coincidentally sometime around the point when the dealership updated the software to automatically engage the parking break.
It hadn't done this in quite some time, it did eventually stop and didn't repeat. Online searches suggested that the errors were due to the battery needing changed. Which I could totally understand, but the battery was checked and had decent life still left.
But, this time it also nearly stranded my wife in KC, and then me on the other side of town. It also definitely sounded like the battery wasn't providing the power to do what needed to be done.
It was, eventually, able to start. Left it running for some time while we tracked a battery down then went to grab it. Had to bring it back home to get it installed, with help from my wonderful wife - I was unable to get the connection to the positive terminal to lift off. She was able to work the magic.
New battery in, all so far so good.
The only thing I wanted to do today was try to get some organizing done in the bedroom.
Until next time.
This is post 56/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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