📃 Than Google for saving money
I did a thing last night that I never thought I'd ever do.
For the first time in longer than I can remember, I now reside in a home that does not subscribe to some kind of non-ota television service.
I've been subscribed, well been subscribed, to YouTube TV since almost day one. Sucked into the whole Google everything and the kick butt "DVR" that came along in tow.
I even talked multiple people into signing up, it really was a great value.
Yeah. At $73 a month it was time to rethink the subscription. The only thing I was really using it for at the time was to put PBS on, or maybe the occasional Daily Show.
I had been considering saving the monthly cost, but just hadn't pulled the trigger on the cut. But, at $83 a month I'm out. Not that anyone really cares, but yeah.
I swapped over my MAX add-on to Prime. Went ahead and decided that I might as well throw three more bucks Jeff's way and go AD free on Prime as well. I imagine I'll also toss some cash into the coffers of my local KPR station since I listen to them quite a lot.
So far as PBS goes, I've been a supporter of the Kansas City station for some time, so I've got their passport into the app for viewing their content.
My only complaint: We've got an LG TV, and while I love WebOS they don't have a PBS Passport application. I'll have to either dig my Chromecast back out, vor maybe look into another option.
It'll be nice to save a bit more cash this year! Thank you, Google!!
This is post 58/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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