Just Some Place

📃 Some recent binges

We've been watching a lot of streaming shows over the past couple of days.

I didn't normally go in for the binge mentality of how things seem to be these days, although I haven't ever been against waiting things out for a few weeks to let the (old school) DVR (or, even older Tivo) build up a few weeks worth of episodes to watch.

I still prefer to not watch them all at once.

Still though, it does happen.

Yesterday we watched the entirety of Eric on Netflix. It was a pretty decent tale, with a handful of threads that wove together okay. I think that it could probably have been cut down by an hour/an episode, but all things considered it was enjoyable.

Today we finished up with Netflix's Beef. We had watched the first episode the other day, and worked out way through the rest of them today. I really like all of the A24 stuff that I've seen, and this was not too bad either. Granted, the overall story is just insane enough...but then so was Eric.

So far as other television stuff, I've got my YouTube TV set to record all the Olympics stuff, so I'll watch some of that in time. I'm more of a Winter fan than Summer, though.

Of course we're also watching House of the Dragon and The Boys, as one is aught to do.

I think I can come up with a small handful of links this week, so let us see what's out there.

Spyware turned this Kansas high school into a ‘red zone’ of dystopian surveillance We had our own little run in with this particular piece of software last year as well, and I can't really honestly say that I'm a fan. I get it, but I don't care for it.

Literate Programming Writ Large Howard Abrams is an excellent resource on literate programming in emacs and org mode, this article continues on with more great information along that line.

....and that, as they say, is that.

Until next time my friends.

This is post 22/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.