Just Some Place

📃 So so tired today

It's been a day of feeling absolutely miserable. Took a couple of benadryl may night, with the hope being that I might be able to some decent sleep to go along with being stopped up with a sore throat.

Yeah, that didn't work too well. While I was basically falling asleep at 22:00 last night, I also managed to forget to put the recycling and trash out for the morning. At least I was able to get them out this morning. The problem with benadryl is that it takes forever to wear out of my system.

So even right now, at 1700 the next day, I feel like I could go to bed.


At least the grand daughter wasn't too bad today! She doesn't really know us, but we've been working on that and I think that we are making progress.

Anyhow, here's a photo I took of our backyard swing while I was pushing our six year old on it. Enjoy. 😃

Picture of green grass with an empty swing set seat hanging on the left side.

Wanna read my other #weblogpomo2024 posts?