One most non excellent day

Good grief has it been a rough day.

Had the youngest kid home today, "sick", from school.

Naturally, when I got back home from picking one of the twins up from zero hour to take him to school number two, the child was all "I feel much better now, can I do this other thing that I am not allowed to do on days that I'm home sick from school?"

Of course, that wasn't exactly how he asked, but I'm sure the idea has been transferred.

That was also not the only thing that was asked for, nor were these questions only asked one time.

Incessant, constant nagging.

It really, just kind of grates on the mood and makes one want to just disassociate.

After all of that, then it's time to get dinner prepped and ready. Something that I generally actually enjoy doing.

Cooking is fun. Relaxing. Prepping things that people might want to eat.

Low and behold, today was the attack of the crummy, small, no stinking room in it, kitchen.

No room in the floor. Nor the countertop. Cat food spilled all over the floor. Cauliflower dropped on the floor.

There are some days where it just feels like the world is out to get you. I know that's ridiculous.

But oh my ever loving lord.

This is post 41/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.

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