Just Some Place

📃 One holiday down

We have survived another Christmas Holiday season.

We have spent far to much money.

But - at least - we haven't overdone things.

I would like to think that everyone in the home received at least one item that they wanted or like.

We did, somehow, some way, manage to get through the event without picking anything up that requires batteries to operate.

I don't know how we managed that one, it was definitely accidental.

Christmas Eve we took the family on a small tour through town to see some of the neighborhoods lit up, including a handful of homes that do the whole animation alongside mini radio transmitters.

It's something that I would like to do one of these years. I want to do the permanent LED light installation here.

We did find one very cool section of town where there were blocks and blocks of people who had strung lights all throughout their trees from home to home, it looked very cool and almost web-like. Very much not something I'd expected to find but I was so glad that we had!

Our newest family member, the Sheepadoodle, has been doing really well. She's not super comfortable with strangers or non family members, apart from the door knocking, doors opening or closing, or certain family members coming down the stairs, it's about the only time she'll get vocal.

Still need to find and get her into a vet though.

Now just to get through New Year's.

This is post 61/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.