Just Some Place

📃 Not really reflection

I have just not really been feeling it over the last week.

I do believe that I shall leave it to as an exercise for the reader to figure out why that might be.

Friday was my "off work" Friday, so it's essentially a four day weekend for me, what with tomorrow being Veteran's Day. I guess I won't actually complain about that, since there really are worse things going on right now.

Eventually, my complaints won't even be referable as first world problems, for, you know, reasons.

I just don't understand some people's children.

But, I sure do believe that we're gonna waltz right into the find out portion of the night's program.

And I, absolutely, one hundred percent, hope those people find the.... Yeah.

The rather unfortunate aspect of all of this being, that those of us who do understand some of these things will also get to go along with this ride.

I don't know who to blame.

I don't know, I didn't understand.

What I do know, is that I am at least fortunate being what I am. A white, hetero male.

I guess I'm lucky.

I'm also glad that I've already got a mortgage and a roof over our heads.

I just want my family and kiddos and friends to be able to live and work and play in a safe world.

I'm not too sure that's going to be the case.


This is post 51/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.