📃 My final Doom form
For the longest time - well, not really the longest time but there are moments when it seems like it's been forever - I've been attempting to patch together my own Emacs config.
Having gone from Spacemacs, Purcell, Vanilla, Doom, Prelude, handcrafted, literate, back again through multiple attempts at each of the previous as well as pouring through everybody else's (and their dogs - hello, Corgi!) configs I have finally come to a conclusion.
I figure that since I basically always wind up trying to reinvent Doom Emacs, that I might as well meet them in the middle and move over to recreating Doom with a complete literate Doom config.
I've seen a handful of users that have done this, and while getting it bootstrapped was a little interesting, I think it's going to work really well.
As it's basically an art form, my Emacs config is never done - but I've got it to a point where I'm happy with it.
I do actually like some of the convenience macros that are provided with the Doom Emacs framework. It makes a really excellent library.
Will I stay with this? You know, I think that since I generally always found my way back to Doom (even though I don't use evil key bindings), plus with my desire to have "my own thing"....yeah, maybe.
Just maybe.
This might be my final form.
Minus some tweaking.
One of these days I'll have to get back to doing weekly link dumps.
This is post 65/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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