Just Some Place

📃 Mobile templates FTW

I don't generally like to *meta post", blog about blogging and all that...but there are times that I shall make an exception.

I have finally decided that it is high time to take advantage of some of the features my mobile note taking application has - namely that it does offer templates and widget creation.

One of which is to create a new note using a template, naturally.

In becoming more comfortable with the use of capture templates on my desktop using org-mode and Emacs, I figure that I might as well try to take at least some of the friction out of blogging on the mobile side.

Especially seeing as that's where I do the vast majority of my posting from.

While Zettel Notes can write in org format, I'm using eleventy for my site and markdown for my content. So no org capture setup on the mobile side, sadly. However, Zettel does have a simple template editor that can fill in quite nicely.

Plus, now I no longer have to remember to change the dateline in my content. That's a win.

I just have to keep better track of which post number I'm on for my current writing challenge. Meh.

Now if I could just figure out how to get Zettel to prompt me for a post title, we might be on business. Although, sometimes I don't know what I'm gonna name things until I'm done.

This is post 68/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.