📃 Just some stuff and coffee
Ugh, I just haven't been feeling it lately!
I had even made the attempt to start a post the other day. Got as far as copying my template over to the ol' draft folder.
Dunno what happened but that's as far as that went.
It's been kinda meh around these parts lately.
At least most of the snow has gone, the temperature has kinda been decent (for what that's worth at this point), and everything has been more or less healthy around the household.
There have been some points of interest though.
I need to pick up a new smoke/carbon monoxide detector for our hallway. Just have not been able to get to the store yet for a replacement. I did, however, at least get an adapter kit so I can just reuse the existing wire harness with the new style that Kidde goes with these days.
We attended parents night at the local High School the other day. The twins start 9th grade next year, and it's always good to feel prepared. I feel that we (well, me, at least) are more prepped for these two than we were for their older brother. I still think, sometimes, that poor kiddo got the worst end of the stick from me. I love the hell out of him, but I just didn't know what I was doing through the whole thing. However, despite that lack from me, has turned out pretty well.
I'm just glad that our Cameron's Coffee order came through before those prices shot through the roof. Plus, I already had a four pack case (we have a monthly standing order for four 32oz bags) just sitting around. We go through a case a month in our house. I'm not looking forward to the future there.
I think that's all I've got.
For now.
This is post 67/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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