📃 Just for me
Two weeks in, so far so good?
One thing that is certainly a bonus when participating in a weblog writing challenge is that one may just happen upon some other interesting writers or posts. Which is, I suppose, one of the reasons the challenge even exists. There have been multiple reasons - excuses really - for why I've never done much writing for myself, the least of which being my internal thought that I have nothing of interest for anyone to read.
Ah, but really though, is that the sole reason to write? No. I should write for myself, no matter how mundane I think the entry of the day will be. Have I been taking care of a child with a racking cough, who rends at my heart because there just isn't much that I can do for him? Yep, so I should write about that. Was I finally able to get some yardwork done because the incessant rain finally stopped? Yep, note it down.
Why shouldn't I go on and just use a blog as a daily journal. It takes zero effort at this point and it's for my own good.
For those that might be interested, including future me, here is the post that sparked this entry.
It's still early, so there may be more.
Awards and stuff
As parents we love to brag on our children. With five excellent young kiddos, I have no limit to the amount of praise that can be levied. Today has been no exception. We just returned from the fifth grader's surprise award presentation, where he received an Unsung Hero award from a local group. They choose two young students each year to honor, and we were pleasantly surprised when we found out he was chosen.
Our kids are absolutely amazing and I look forward to seeing what they are able to accomplish.
Wanna read my other #weblogpomo2024 posts?
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