📃 Just a handful of notes please
We shall go ahead and tag this one into the rambling series, why not? Kind of a small update of a few things that have happened over the course of the last couple of days I suppose.
I'm really bad a blogging
Point taken, I'm not really good at sitting down and getting something on digital paper every single day. Granted, I'm not good at sitting down and getting something put on actual real paper, either. At least I'm equal opportunity when it comes to writing. Which I find a little sad, since it is something that I enjoy doing. I'm trying, though.
The end of last week was really good, though. Our twins performed in one of the local plays and three of the performances were last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I (well, my spouse and I both) are beyond proud of them (again, all of our kids, actually) for doing things that I could never have even thought of doing when I was their age. "What, get up on stage and act?! No thank you." I'm very, very introverted. The thought of doing a play (or musical!) would petrify me. The musical they did as well, earlier in the year, so yeah!
They did exceedingly well. I can not brag on my kids enough.
I'm also bad at reading self help books
Yeah, not that I have a whole lot of self help books, but I have picked up a couple of them that really interested me. I'd found a hardback copy of William Zinsser's Writing to Learn, which just seemed very cool and might perhaps help out with this personal site of mine. Guess how much of it I've read? A couple of pages. But enough I know that I think I'll really like the style. Ha.
Next, I finally got my copy of Brain Hacks, by Lara Honos-Webb, which seems like it could help with some organizational skills that frankly any of us could use. It was actually recommended to one of the previously mentioned twins above that he should read it for one of his projects. So he is. I don't know that he's gotten much out of it - but hopefully more than I have, as I've read an astounding two pages in it. Sigh.
I'm better at reading for enjoyment
I will admit, that I do actually enjoy reading and am continuing to work my way through The Expanse novels. Currently reading Nemesis Games in what spare time I can steal. I'm also reading The Dark Elf Trilogy to at least one of the twins, we just got into the second book the other week. This is the second go through of this series for me.
Other news?
I always feel like I should put something down about the current state of this site. I don't know why. I'm happy with it, but not really super happy with it. I guess it's a great medium to just be able to get words down. I don't really care too much for the theme or the look of the site, but then I don't have the time to put into making it any better. I'd like to do more with webmentions and other indieweb stuff - but then I also don't do a whole lot with social media, period. It's tough.
I like to write, I'll continue to write, whether or not people read really doesn't concern me.
We'll leave it at that.
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