Just Some Place

📃 It is mesh at least

Sometimes I wonder how in the world I managed to write a new post every day during the previous challenge that I subjected myself to.

This week has thus far been fairly non eventful. Boredom is a good thing sometimes.

Last week I made a purchase that I almost regret doing. Even though it's an item that gets daily use, and I'm in it probably eight plus hours a day, which kind of makes it a necessity, I'm not a hundred percent happy with it.

Obviously it's some kind of work from home item. It's the Hyken Mesh Chair from Staples. The one thing that I'm not happy with is the "headrest".

Note the quotes there.

As it's not super adjustable, this headrest comes all the way up to in between my shoulder blades.

Unless I crouch down.

Which I am not going to do.

Fortunately I can remove it, which I'll probably do.

Other than that, it's an okay chair for those who don't have or can't afford to get the kick arse Herman Miller Aeron. Sigh.

Ah well, back to the grind!

This is post 16/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.