Just Some Place

📃 Hey, it's a long weekend

Ah, I am once again at the point to where my vacation time is maxed out at work. So it's either use "it or don't gain any more" time.

One thing that I do really enjoy about my coworkers and my manager staff is that they absolutely, positively, expect and encourage us to use our time. It is a nice change of pace from those souls who work for people who actively discourage such use.

In my position, we max out at 304 hours of vacation. I accumulate 8 hours every pay period (less two pay periods, where there are three paychecks in a month, I think...). We also accumulate 4 hours of sick leave every check, which does not max out - which is nice. I'm near to 750 hours there.

I don't take a whole lot of time off.

But I have kind of grown accustomed to having every other Friday off. It's pretty sweet.

In some other news, I've been slowly trimming the dead nail off of my right thumb. There is just a small sliver left on the side at this point. I'm just really glad that I haven't caught it on anything and ripped the thing out yet. I don't believe that would be too pleasant.

I don't have much else going on right now. Oh, we did have the youngest kiddos birthday party last weekend, which had an excellent turn out! We paired up with a friend and rented out Up And Away Play for Sunday morning for a couple of hours. It went pretty well, though I'm not sure we'll do the same next time.

Next up we'll have the twins' birthday party, which is set up for an ice cream social slash pizza party slash other stuff at a city community room. It should be fun. They've been inviting a handful of friends, which for one of them is a little out of his comfort zone. Sort of. Although I will say, he had an excellent way to put things: While I may have few people that I would count as friends, because I think there is a difference between friendship and those that I have positive interactions with. I was completely blown away by that when my wife told me that he'd said that. It's just so mature, and I don't even think I'd come up with that one.

I love my kids.

This is post 75/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.