Just Some Place

📃 Here we are once again

Sitting here, with my youngest twin kiddo, doing some checks to re-ensure that everything is going to be okay with him physically.

Years ago, he was diagnosed with a hole in his heart, though it was believed to have closed up enough to allow him to do things he enjoys doing.

Like, running. Cross country, track. Things like that.

But, we see and experience what happens with friends, family and acquaintances. Loved ones are lost due to undiagnosed problems.

So we double check. EKG. Echo's.

We want our kids to be healthy. Happy.

Do the things they want to do.

But when your kiddo complains about his chest hurting, his body hurting, and doesn't want to connect the dots from post athletic event to the actual pain. Then we need to step in and push pause.

I don't want to take these things away. I enjoy taking him to them and watching him do them.

It's friendship and comraderie.

We just need to know.

This is post 66/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.