Just Some Place

📃 Happy Fathers Day

As today prepares to come to an end, I'm sitting here at home waiting on the ibuprofen and acetaminophen cocktail to do its thing.

We did make it to Worlds Of Fun, as a way to have a fun Father's Day. It was a pretty good day. There were a couple of us that managed to get in a few good coaster rides, facilitated by some decently short lines.

I had never ridden the Prowler before today - definitely one of my new faves. It's an older wooden coaster, I think it's celebrating a birthday this year as well. I'm kind of surprised that I had never been on it previously, but sure glad that I did.

Now I've just got to get over the heat and sun induced ache that I've put myself through.

The Sunday Linkdump

I don't really have a whole lot this week, as I've just not really had the time to go down too many rabbit holes this week.

Michael W Lucas' Run Your Own Mail server preorder I've previously run my own mail server, sort of successfully, but not from scratch. This book is on my radar.

Phrack Magazine Somebody had brought up 2600 magazine awhile ago, and this is another (non printed) magazine that's dedicated to the scene. I've read 2600 for decades, and also enjoy reading this one when it's available.

Like I say, not a lot this week.

End stuff

I'm going to consider this my first entry into the #100DaysToOffload challenge for the next 365 days. I don't have any special pages set up for these, besides using the hashtag.

This is post 1/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.