📃 Did we not just do that
It's almost like it never ends, you know!
Received an email notification from Ye Olde Vendor that they were scheduling the next patch for our development environment. Great! But damn...it sure seems like we just went through all this!
I guess that was in mid to late May. But test didn't get patched until flipping June, not to mention prod not that long ago.
Ugh. At least they actually keep stuff updated. No new patches available for the gateway product, yet, so we'll keep an eye out there.
It's been a pretty good week, actually. Got some documentation written and sent out. Got a quote and an order out together for some new laptops to replace out of warranty stuff. Not a bad week.
No flame wars here
I figured I'd start a separate header for this one.
I have always been of the belief that you should use the tool, or tools, that work for you and your situation. If that took us, say, vi, then great! If that took is emacs, then great! Personally, it effects me exactly zero on the iota scale.
Whatever makes you happy and floats that boat, or scratches that itch, or whatever. Though, I do believe that every body who is going to do any kind of system administration on a Unix style server should at least be able to stumble through vi or vim. If for no other reason than it's almost always available.
Then even within those two sacred camps you've got people who espouse certain styles of usage. Take emacs, for example. Some people like to use the "starter kits". Be that purcell, spacemacs, doom, bedrock, etc etc. Some people think you should use vanilla. Some people swear by a literate programming version of their config.
Those are all awesome! Again, use what works for you. Personally, I'm familiar with vi enough that I'm a little dangerous. I don't have any kind of vi setup, I just know enough to get by. I have used emacs for some time now, my first real usage and "config" was spacemacs. Then I've gone through other kits. I've tried rolling my own, with and without a literate config. I've finally stopped with doom, complete with my own customizations.
Just use what works. In Whatever way that is.
That's all I've got on that.
This is post 34/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.
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Long weekend and no motivation