Change is for the anxious

Sometimes there are aspects of my job that are really, really, butt pickering and anxiety inducing.

Today is lining up to be one of those days.

As I write this, it's after 08:30, as soon as I get back into the (home) office I get to remove a couple of our cloud applications we subscribe to.

It's a cloud service desk product, a very popular and well known one. We have turned over to a new system as of this week, basically. We will only be continuing with one of their products, for project management, since the new one kinda sucks, in order for people to get used to the change.

Naturally, this company is unable to provide us with an appropriate quote for just the single product unless we remove, thus deleting, everything that's on their servers. We have their export for our own cloud pulled down, so, we should have everything.

In theory.

It is still arse clenching to remove these though.

This is post 39/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.

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