Just Some Place

📃 Catch up to the lifestyle

We seem to be nearing the midway point of the month. I am just getting back to work from a week of "vacation", then two days of having a sick kiddo at home. Okay, so three days, really, but today has been more of a "letting the kiddo keep his temp normal" kinda day. Not so much sick, as he is stopped up. At least the cough is more or less done.

As is the way of things, after taking a week off of work today has basically been spent playing catch-up. At least it hasn't been as bad as it's been in the past. Just a couple of quick answers that needed to be sent out. I'm so glad this is a slower time of year. I've generally taken two weeks off at a time, but figured I'd change things up this go round. Of course, what with the sick kiddo I was beginning to wonder if I might have wound up taking this week off as sick leave too.

The lifestyle

How about an update on my keto life? My weight has been steadily creeping up over that 190 plus mark over the past few months. Certainly not where I want to be, no matter what other people in my life think. While I do agree that sub 170 is not a good look on me, I continue to struggle with making my way down below 190. I still have my goal at 182, preferably.

I do consider myself lucky (accomplished?) in that I still wear the same sized jeans and clothes, so I haven't had to change or modify the wardrobe again. Thankfully. That's one of my major fears, that whole idea of relapse, once I were to allow myself to get comfortable with a weight. When that happens, then I stop logging all food, I start snacking more, I start thinking that eating this little bit of junk is going to be okay.

Then it's just a completely blown day and I wanna retreat within myself. I need to be able to string together a few good days.

I need this win, again.

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