Just Some Place

📃 At The Desk on Voting Eve - Or 50 days down

Here I sit, doing something that has become - for lack of a better word - unusual.

I normally do my posting, updating, whatever you may, from my phone. So for me to be sitting at my desk, hands on a keyboard, eyes firmly entrenched on the monitor to my left, typing away at this Emacs (FTW!) window, it's rather not normal.

Over time, I've just kind of gotten used to writing in this journal from my mobile device. It's easy, if not quick, and it just works. I guess.

I would love to be one of those persons who could throw out tens of hundreds of words at a time, in a coherent and easy to follow manner, on any number of wonderful themes. But I'm not.

I write about what's going on in my life, usually something that's centered around my kiddos or my job. Most usually something that probably isn't even interesting to myself. But I still try to find the time to do this.

It does, perhaps, in its own way, help me to keep my sanity in some kind of check.

So I sit here today, writing at my desk.

Yeah, I'm using Emacs (not, I guess, in a by the way fashion of the Archlinux variety - which I do not actually use). Of the Doom Emacs variety. I've tried to go the roll your own route, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm always just trying to come up with my own Doom-spin-from-scratch...so might as well flippin' use Doom.

But I don't use evil. Because I'm not evil-leaning. If you wanna use vim keybindings, then you do you. No harm no foul, doesn't hurt me either way. I can get by in vim, I think that anyone who works in a Unix environment should at least know their way around.

Oh...yeah, tomorrow is the day. I'm so ready for this crap to be over, but I am realistic to know that tomorrow is really only the beginning of the ending. Either it's all gonna burn down (again) or it's gonna be a controlled burn. Either way. I know that I'll vote for the side of sanity, because I care about where I would like things to go and I care about the country that I leave my kids to.

Living in a Red State, I'd normally say that my actual vote doesn't really count, but, it's kind of (almost) starting to actually count. Give it time, maybe it will. There is still local stuff, which is uber important as well.

Then, well - and I kind of almost hate myself for admitting this fact - there is a small tiny part of me that hopes the side of chaos and insanity wins. Why the ever loving F would I want that?! Because I really despise the morons and idiots who think that the great orange gibbon gives a flying flip about them. Maybe they should get their just desserts. But, I don't really, really, hope that happens. Certainly not enough to vote that way.

That would make a great story, though, perhaps.

Though, I guess it's probably already been written a few times.

This is post 50/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.

Whoa! I'm halfway through the challenge! Woot.