Just Some Place

📃 Another day another waste

I think that I've come to where I would much rather be working. Work is enjoyable, vacations are nothing but just waiting to to back to work. It's not so much a dread for the end of the vacation, but just knowing that I never am able to accomplish what I would like to do during the time away from work.

Not that I'm disparaging the vacation. I'm equal opportunity when it comes to not being a fan of not working, I'm not really big on weekends either. Granted I'd probably to absolutely insane if I did nothing but work. One has to have some time off.

Where I work, we get plenty of paid leave to earn. Eight hours per every Eighty hour work period, up to a maximum of 304 hours. Of which I am routinely butted up against. Plus, a discretionary holiday. I really should take more time for myself, I'm told multiple times by multiple people that I should.

But, alas.

The current question then becomes, do I feel that anything has been accomplished during this break. There was some yardwork done. The car was washed, by hand, even! I may have gotten the yard mowed once. It just always feels like there is something that needs to be done.


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