Just Some Stuff

Week that was and other stuff

Time to play a little bit of catch-up, seeing as I didn't post anything yesterday. Or the day before.

I shall wait for the collective "aww, shucks, we sure missed reading your stuff!", because, yeah, it's still basically just for myself. Which is totally cool with me.

Last Week #

Not a whole heck of a lot going on last week really.

Picked up the new work laptop so I could replace the one that has basically had the battery and keyboard crap all over itself, so that's been fun. Which, I'm pretty sure that nobody in the history of the world has ever actually said. While I do have backups of everything and don't have much to worry about in that department, getting the new machine all sorted out is just a huge pain in the rear.

But, it is a great time to look and reflect on the applications that I really need to do my work with. Plus, it's been great to get away from Firefox and move my work browsing over to Vivaldi. So there is that.

I was able to get WSL2 set up, even exported/imported my old setup image which is amazing.

We might finally have the Halloween costume situation sorted out for everyone in the house - no small feet these days. Yesterday we made a short trip to one of the regional Spririt Halloween stores, conveniently located near a Costco that we also needed to run into, to gather ideas and make a handful of purchases.

One of the twins picked up some black raven stuff, about all that we needed to get afterwards was a black overcoat and now some black pants that he won't complain about. Wish us luck there. The overcoat was not very easy to find and we wound up spending a bit more than I'd like - but, we sure do love our kids, right?

The other twin was going to go with a Knight theme, but decided last minute not to go that route. Now he's going with an anime character. We had to order his costume last night, and the hope now is that it fits him and isn't made super cheaply. So, we'll see there.

The wife picked up some cool face masks, the favorite at the moment would seem to be a broken doll. I really like the idea.

For myself, I procured a Phantom of the Opera style mask that I'm hoping is able to complement the rest of the outfit that I've got. I'm not doing a silly cape, though.

The little one already had his costume purchased - an Ender Dragon from Minecraft.

The next to youngest (but quite possibly the most mature) of the group, still has yet to really put a finger on what he'll do. We had thought that he and a friend were gonna do some kind of matching costume set, but that seems to have changed. Last year they did Mario and Luigi, the year before was the Sun and Moon. I don't know what they'll do yet.

I do believe that was basically most of last week (with some smattering of yesterday, alas) which brings us to...

This Week #

It's a short school week, which is always fun.


Parent teacher conferences are at the end of this week. We've really only got one kiddo who I'm concerned about, but really, all in all I can't complain about our kids.

The youngest kiddo has Fall Picture Day coming up Tuesday. Which at least kinda makes sense, moreso than the middle school who does picture day on like the third day of school. I, for one, am looking forward to when picture day happens like the week before school starts. It's only a matter of time.

We've got some other appointments happening this week too, which shouldn't be too trying.

On the work front, I'll be taking part in a demo/question/answer session for some new tools that I'm also in the middle of learning. Fun times, that.

We are also still fighting with getting things paid, so that blows chunks all over the road. Sometimes one wonders if the right hand is aware that the left hand exists and is doing things.

I might even have some links to dump on the post this week.

With that, we'll call it a day.

Until next time.

This is post 46/100 of my #100DaysToOffload posts. You can read the other posts in this series here.